Coronavirus Case linked to Plasma Center

One symptomatic employee who works for the Grifols BioMat USA, has tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The health department advises people who were at the plasma center located at 167 E. Kalamazoo Avenue on the following dates June 27, 28, and 29, and July 3, 6, 8, and 9 to monitor themselves daily for symptoms of the respiratory disease and seek testing from their healthcare provider. READ MORE!

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Health Care Discrimination Legislation Introduced

“We’re working hard every day to make sure no one is denied opportunities based on stereotypes and stigma related to who they are or who they love, especially when it comes to life or death medical decisions,” Rep. Hoadley said. “In emergency situations, patients and their families deserve medical decisions based on science with transparency in how those decisions will be made. These bills are the solution.” READ MORE

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