Terms of Use

Comvoicesonline.com Terms of Service
These Terms of Service is applicable only to COMVOICESONLINE.COM, (SEASON PRESS, LLC) and not to any other websites, links or services included in the site through advertising, media relations, or other related inclusion. COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) is not responsible for third party information or services and advice you view third party sites for their rules and regulations of usage.
COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) contains materials that is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. The site is created for noncommercial use and for personal information. Use of information viewed on COMVOICESONLINE.COM and is created by a named author, should not be used in any form without permission. Information provided to COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) which is learned to be misleading, fraudulent or in violation, will be removed immediately and is not published with intent to do harm, liable or violate any statutes. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, upload, post , transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit or distribute in any form materials from the site. You may download, or print one copy of individual pages for your personal, non-commercial use. To use information from this site for purposes other than those described, contact editor@comvoicesonline.com
 Personally Identifying Information (PIN)
When we ask you to register to receive a PIN, it is to access special features on our site. The information we collect will help us identify the demographics of our readers to better serve you and our advertisers. The information you provide will let us know that you agree to provide us with true, accurate information. In the event we learn your information may be fraudulent, we may reserve the right to terminate our account and refuse future registration. With your assigned password or PIN, we suggest you do not share or allow others to use your PIN. In the event you feel your PIN has been discovered or is being used, it is your responsibility to contact us to terminate this account. We will not be responsible for any damages resulting in the violation of your PIN by others. We will not share your personal PIN or email address with others unless otherwise noted on any contests or other items you personally input that information. Although we are doing out best to ensure the safety of our customers information, we cannot guarantee that information collected will never be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with our Terms of Service.
Children’s Privacy Policy
We will not knowingly collect information from children ages 13 and younger, which will violate their privacy in order to participate in a particular activity sponsored by, or representing COMVOICESONLINE.COM, (SEASON PRESS LLC). Children interviewed for stories will be provided a release form to be signed by an adult/parent who will claim responsibility for the release of the child’s image, quotes or other information provided. Those we do not have release forms for will be covered by an organization, school, or other entity which ensures the child age 16 and younger, are covered by a signed release. We can not control the participation of children in any of our online activities, message boards, etc.
Blogs/ Chats/Polls, etc.
Information provided by readers for our online questionnaires or other interactive activities are done so with the participant realizing the rules not to offend or violate other readers. While we have no obligation to monitor these sites, we reserve the right to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, or to refuse to post or remove information that in whole or part, violate our Terms of Usage. When you submit or post materials you give COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) or those authorized by us, the right to use your information worldwide, in part of in hole, to sell, create displays, or use in the promotion of COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) for any purpose we choose. Also, you give us the right to identify you as the author or publisher of contributed item. You also understand that by posting items on our site, you will not receive any compensation of any kind for the use of any materials you submit. You also realize that you may not use the site to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, profane, obscene, or criminal offences to those who may be on, will see, or who have been a part of our site in any way. You may not include any links to other sites or use the link to our site without permission.
When submitting items for advertising and classifieds, or other sales pages on COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) you agree to uphold your responsibility to those you serve. In no way is COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON LLC) responsible for any misleading or violation of agreement between seller and buyer.  In the event of complaints, we reserve the rights to discontinue your advertisement without refund. You agree when selling, that you in fact, own the item(s) available for purchase.
Job postings
In the event we post job positions, COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) we do so with the understanding that those seeking employees do so without any violation of any kind and are true employers offering what they post. We do not knowingly accept listings which may discriminate in any way. We are not responsible for any actions on the part of the employer as it relates to the interview process or subsequent job position.
 Church/Business Directories
Those listed in our directories do so as paid advertisement and are not to be used by outside sources for potential marketing or telemarketing applications, and the listing may not be copied for any marketing or telemarketing use.
Site changes
COMVOICESONLINE.COM (SEASON PRESS LLC) may modify, update, and redesign, our site at any time without notice. We also reserve the right to discontinue, relocate or temporarily disable the site with or without notice. In the event, you agree we will not be liable for any suspension or discontinuance of the site or any information provided.
Limitation of Liability
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may have resulted in the use of our site or third party products or services they provide. If you are not satisfied with the site or its terms or conditions, you are responsible for discontinuing your visits to the site.

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