Merze Tate Explorers Serve During MLK Event

KALAMAZOO (MICH.)- Nearly two dozen Explorers came out to serve the guest of the 31st Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on January 15 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. More than 200 community leaders, public officials, and residents joined in the celebration that celebrated the Rev. Dr. King through song, community service award presentations, and keynote address. The event was hosted by the Northside Ministerial Alliance with the theme: The Transformative Power of a Unified Dream.

Angela Daniels, parent of Maya, and myself (right) discuss what the Rev. Dr. King’s Dream means to us during an interview with WWMT Channel 3 in Kalamazoo. Photo by Sierra Ward

Aliah awaits customers to serve.
Aliah awaits customers to serve.

Girls and new Explorer boys chapter, prepare drink table for the reception following the MLK event. Photo by Shemaiah Lawler
Girls and new Explorer boys chapter, prepare drink table for the reception following the MLK event. Photo by Shemaiah Lawler
Layla helps serve as the other girls also take their positions in various volunteer roles at the event. Photos by Shemaiah Lawler

Explorers Sierra and Aliah Ward, and Kennedi Patterson, also were part of the MLK Youth Choir where Sierra was featured in a brief solo (see Sierra on the newslink above). In addition to the girl Explorers, the new chapter of boy Explorers (led by Daniel Patterson) were debuted in this joint-community service effort.

The new chapter of the Explorers is geared toward young men. Here are two of the charter members.
The new chapter of the Explorers is geared toward young men. Here are two of the charter members.

The opportunity to serve the community, is one of the ways Explorers give back to the community. In addition, the service allows the girls to thank the many supporters who have contributed to the success of the organization over the past nine years.

Sonya Bernard-Hollins

Community Voices was founded in 2005 by James and Arlene Washington in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The weekly print publication provided a unique opportunity to inform the multicultural community of news important to them. In addition, it provided an affordable advertising source for small businesses in the community.