Area Author Book Part of Book Read Discussion

By Sonya Bernard-Hollins

KALAMAZOO (MICH.)– When a small-town minister is on the verge of losing his church he wrestles with God on how to keep it going. Should he continue as it had been under his father’s reign? Or should he follow the 21st Century trend and become a mega-preacher? What he discovers about himself and others along the way lead to devastating consequences that could afflict his soul and all those who follow him.

In the novel, Reverend Hype, author Raymond Ryan brings up the issues facing churches today and how they influence those who they serve. A book discussion on the novel will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, at the Powell Library in Kalamazoo, 1000 W. Paterson St. (in the Douglas Community Center).

Visit for more information and to purchase your copy today!

Sonya Bernard-Hollins

Community Voices was founded in 2005 by James and Arlene Washington in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The weekly print publication provided a unique opportunity to inform the multicultural community of news important to them. In addition, it provided an affordable advertising source for small businesses in the community.