Community Shows Support for Local Authors

IMG_1281IMG_1334Sonya Bernard-Hollins, publisher
Community Voices

KALAMAZOO (MICH.)- Soul Food, haircuts, and fun were all a part of the unveiling event for the new children’s book, Benjamin Losford and His Handy Dandy Clippers. The event was hosted by the Kalamazoo Public Library on February 9, at the Douglass Community Center. It featured local authors, Sean and Sonya Hollins, authors of the new book, which is based on a true story. The illustrations were created by Kenjji Jumanne-Marshall, also of Kalamazoo.


Sonya Bernard-Hollins

Community Voices was founded in 2005 by James and Arlene Washington in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The weekly print publication provided a unique opportunity to inform the multicultural community of news important to them. In addition, it provided an affordable advertising source for small businesses in the community.